4th Character Creation

PHB p14に従って、キャラクタをつくってみよう。
適当にRogueを選択。EladrinはWizard, Rogue, Warlordを好むようだが、とりあえずMelee+Skillをイメージしてみる。
(Halfling + Rogueの方が組み合わせとしてはStandardであろう)
3)Determine Ability Score
面倒なんでStandard Arrayで。Str-12, Con-14, Dex-16, Int-10, Wis-11, Cha-13。
4)Choose Skills
RogueのTrained Skillは、Stealth, Thieveryの2つ。あとp116のClass Skill Listから4つ選択。Acrobatics, Perception, Insight, Bluff。さらにEladrin EducationがあるのでDungeoneeringを追加選択。
5)Select Feats
1st LevelではFeat1個なので、Eladrinのみが選択できる"Eladrin Soldier"を選択。
6)Choose Powers
1st LevelではPower(At-Will, Encounter, Daily, Utility) 2/1/1/0 なので、その数だけRogue Powerの中から選択。
Rogueはlight Bladeに特化しているのにEladrinはLongsword(Heavy Blade)の扱いに長けているので、明らかに駄目な組み合わせ。なんでEladrinがRogueを好むのか。Skillタイプで組めということ?
しょうがないのでFeatをKeep on the ShadowfellのHalfling Rogueと同じ"Backstabber"に変更。Powerは"Piercing Strike", "Sly Flourish", "Positioning Strike", "Easy Target"を選択。
7)Choose Equipment
p210に100gpでWeapon, Armor, Adventuring Gearを買えとある。Rogueはp116にある通り、Armor: Cloth, Leather、Weapon: dagger, hand crossbow, shuriken, sling, short swordに限定される。
+1 Magic Weapon, Armorは360gpするので当然無理。
Short sword(10gp), Dagger(1gp), Hand crossbow(25gp), Leather Armor(25gp), Standard Adventure's Kit(15gp), Crossbow bolts(1gp), Thieves'tools(20gp) + 3gp
8)Fill in the Numbers

*1st LevelなのでLevel Bonusは加算されない。Attack, Deffense, Init, Skill, すべてに1/2 Character Levelが加算されるけど、round downなので1st Levelでは意味がない。
Race: Eladrin
Sex/Gender: Female
Class: Rogue-1
Ability: Str12(+1), Con14(+2), Dex18(+4), Int12(+1), Wis11(+0), Cha13(+1)
Defense: AC16(+2Armor,+4Dex), Fort-12(+2Con), Ref-16(+4Dex,+2Class), Will-12(+1Cha+1Racial)
*Charm Effectに対しては+5 Racial Bonus。
Init: +4(+4Dex)
Speed: 6
Vision: Low-light
HP: 26 [Bloodied-13, Healing Surge HP Healed 6]
Healing Surge/Day: 8
Short sword: HR+4(+1Str,+3Prof) vs AC. Dmg(1d6+1)
Short sword[Piercing Strike]: HR+7(+4Dex,+3Prof) vs Ref. Dmg(1d6+4)
Short sword[Sly Flourish]: HR+7(+4Dex,+3Prof) vs AC. Dmg(1d6+5)
Hand Crossbow: HR+6(+4Dex,+2Prof) vs AC. Dmg(1d6) Range(10/20)
Feat: Backstabber(Sneak Attack dice increase to d8s)
Skill: Passive Insight 15
Passive Perception 15
Acrobatics(Dex) +9(+4Dex,+5Trained)
Arcana(Int) +3(+1Int,+2Racial)
Athletics(Str) +1(+1Str)
Bluff(Cha) +6(+1Cha,+5Trained)
Diplomacy(Cha) +1(+1Cha)
Dungeoneering(Wis) +5(+0Wis,+5Trained)
Endurance(Con) +2(+2Con)
Heal(Wis) +0(+0Wis)
History(Int) +3(+1Int,+2Racial)
Insight(Wis) +5(+5Trained)
Intimidate(Cha) +1(+1Cha)
Nature(Wis) +0(+0Wis)
Perception(Wis) +5(+0Wis,+5Trained)
Religion(Int) +1(+1Int)
Stealth(Dex) +9(+4Dex,+5Trained)
Streedwise(Cha) +1(+1Cha)
Thievery(Dex) +9(+4Dex,+5Trained), +11(open lock or disarm trap: Thieves' Tools)
Equipment: Short sword, Dagger, Hand crossbow, Leather Armor, Standard Adventure's Kit, Crossbow bolts, Thieves'tools
Race & Class features:
*Eladrin Will (+1 to Will ST, +5 to ST vs. charm)
*Fey Origin (Considered a fey creature)
*Trance (spend 4 hours in extended rest instead of 6; while taking an extended rest, you are fully aware of surroundings)
*Fey Step (see below)
*First Strike (At the start of an encounter, you have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in the encoutner)
*Rogue Tactics[Artful Dodge] (You gain a bonus to AC equal to your Cha modifier against opportunity attacks)
*Rogue Weapon Talent (When you wield a shuriken, your weapon damage die increase by one size. When you wield a dagger, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls)
*Sneak Attack (1/round, when you have combat advantage against an enemy and are using a weapon from the light blade, the crossbow, or the sling weapon group,
an attack you make against that enemy deals extra damage if the attack hits.
You decide whether to apply the extra damage after making the damage roll) => +2d6 [1st-10th] => +2d8[Backstabber]
Languages: Common and Elven
At-will Power:
*Piercing Strike [Rogue Attack-1] Martial Weapon, Standard Action, Melee Weapon, Target: One creature, Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade,
Attack: Dex vs. Ref, Hit: 1[W]+Dex
*Sly Flourish [Rogue Attack-1] Martial Weapon, Stanadard Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon, Target: One creature,
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow, a light blade, or a sling, Attack: Dex vs. AC, Hit: 1[W]+Dex+Cha
Encounter Power:
*Fey Step [Eladrin Racial Power] Teleportation, Move Action, Personal, Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
*Posiotioning Strike [Rogue Attack-1] Martial Weapon, Standard Action: Melee Weapon, Target: One creature, Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade,
Attack: Dex vs. Will, Hit: 1[W]+Dex and you slide the target 1 squre
Daily Power:
*Easy Target[Rogue Attack-1] Martial Weapon, Standard Action, Melee or Ranged Weapon, Target: One creature,
Requirement: You must be wielding a crossbow, a light blade, or a sling,
Attack: Dex vs. AC, Hit: 2[W]+Dex and the target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you(save ends both).
9)Roleplaying Character Detail
・Alignment: Goodにしておくのがよかろう。
・Deities: Rogue的にはAvandra, Sehanineか。Eladrin的にはCorellonかもしれない。
・Personality, Social Interactions, Decision Points, Dire Straits, Mannerisms, Appearance, Backgroundと続く。
[2008/06/01 追記]
p219で武器にはProficiencyがあるとAttack Rollに固定Bonusがのると書かれている。それを加算していなかったので修正。
[2008/06/02, 追記]
HP算出は、固定値+Con Modifierではなく、固定値+Con Ability Scoreだとの指摘を受けて修正
[2008/06/03, 追記]