脳内メーカー Type Moon Ver. 必死と書いて必ず死なすと読む編


My brain is almost occupied by Amazing Stories. (あたまは妄想で出来ている)
Fantasy is my body, and SF is my blood. (“ファンタジー”は我が身体、“少し不思議な物語”は我が血潮)
I have played in 3000 worlds. (三千世界に遊んで不変/普遍)
Unknown to graduation. (ただの一度も卒業を知らず)
Nor known to initiation. (ただ一度の理解もなし:どこにも属さないゆえ)
Have withstood pain to create many fantastic idea. (彼の者は常に独り、妄言の丘にて孤独に酔う)
Therefore, the meaning of life cannot be actually found. (故に生涯に意味はなく)
it has found it to movie "Monty Python's Meaning of Life".
My whole life was "unlimited Romance Generator". (その身体は無限の浪漫回路でできていた)