Hands Slot Magic Item [23th以下]

・Hero's Gauntlets (17th, 攻撃追加にAction Point使ったら、追加攻撃はAttack +1 Bonus。以下略)

・Gauntlets of Brutality (17th, proneな相手にmeleeが命中したら+5 extra damage.)
・Gautlets of Blood (4th, +2 bloodied target) => (14th, +4 bloodied target) => (24th, +6 bloodied target)

・Greatreach Gauntlets (18th)
・Far Hand Gloves (22th)

<Wintertouched + Lasting Frostコンボ系>
・Gloves of Ice (11th,+2 damage or resistance cold -5) => (21th,+4 damage or resistance cold -10)

・Gloves of Camaraderie (21th,Encounter)
・Restorative Gauntlets (16th,Encounter 仲間のレベルの半分ダメージ受けてST効果を終了させる)

・Gloves of the Healer (12th, healing keyword +1d6 HP. [daily] 自分のHS使って仲間を回復)

・Strikebacks (10th, OA +1 item bonus. [Encounter]Immediate Reaction.反撃)
・Lightning Reflex Gloves (19th, OA +2 item bonus. [daily]OA二回目可能に)

・Luckbender Gloves(6th,[Encounter]Reroll one damage diece) => Gauntlets of Destruction(18th, Brutal 1)
=> Luckbender Gloves(16th,[Encounter]Reroll two damage dice)
どちらもmeleeのみ(Luckbenderはmelee weapon)。

・Rogue's Gloves (12th)
・Gloves of Dimensional Grasp (16th)
・Guildmaster's Gloves (23th)

<Ranged Cover, Concealment無視系>
・Sure Shot Gloves (9th, Ranged Weapon Attack. Cover無視)
・Gloves of Accuracy (16th, [minor/at-will] Ranged Attack, 次の手番最後までConcealment and Cover無視)

・Forgemaster's Gloves (6th, resist 5 fire.以下略) => (16th, resist 10 fire.以下略)

・Gloves of Recovery (5th,敵がmelee attackを外すとfreeでmelee basic attackできる。地味に攻撃回数が増える…かも?)
・Many-Fingered Gloves (20th,Hands Slot => Ring Slot+1)
・Gloves of Piercing (3rd, [minor]遭遇終了まで10以下のresistanceを無視

Archer Rangerでも近接射撃を基本とするなら、実はCoverよりもConcealment対策ができていればよい。