
2011/4/2 単発セッション用PCとして再浮上。
Hexbladeの12th Level版を作成する。

■“銀河美少女”Gloriana グロリアーナ

得物はFey Pact Weaponたる"Galaxy Blade"

:Class: Warlock(Hexblade of the Fey Pact)-12
:Paragon Path: Valiant Hexblade
:Source: Dragon393 "The Lady of the White Well"
:Race: Female Eladrin
:Alignment: Good
:Religion: Pelor
:Background: Chessenta

*Scores Str 10(+1Level), Con 13(+1Level), Dex 15(+3Level), Int 08(+2Race,+1Level), Wis 10(+1Level), Cha 17(+2Race,+3Level)
*Modifier Str +0, Con +2, Dex +4, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +6
*Mod.+1/2Lv Str +6, Con +8, Dex +10, Int +6, Wis +6, Cha +12

:HP: Max = 81 [12+Con+5*11], Bloodied = 40, Healing Surge = 20 (8/day)

*AC = 28 [+6Level,+8Chain(HotFL p344),+3Magic,+1Shield(RodExpertise)]
*Fort = 24 [+6Level,+1Class,+2Magic,+2Con,+3Feat]
*Ref = 23 [+6Level,+2Magic,+4Dex,+1Shield(RodExpertise)]
*Will = 29 [+6Level,+1Class,+1Race,+2Magic,+6Cha,+3Feat]
*Resistance: necrotic 5, poison 5, cold 5
*ST: Charm +5, Dazed / Stunned +2

:Initiative: +12 [+6Level,+4Dex,+2FeyPactVisage]
:Speed: 6
:Languages:Common, Elven

:Trained Skills(+11):
*Arcana +13 (Race+2,Int+0)
*History +13 (Race+2,Int+0)
*Perception +11 (Wis+0)
*Bluff +17 (Cha+6)
*Intimidate +17 (Cha+6)

*Athletics +5 (ACP-1)
*Endurance +7 (ACP-1,Con+2)
*Acrobatics +9 (ACP-1,Dex+4)
*Stealth +9 (ACP-1,Dex+4)
*Thievery +9 (ACP-1,Dex+4)
*Religion +6 (Int+0)
*Dungeoneering +6 (Wis+0)
*Heal +6 (Wis+0)
*Insight +6 (Wis+0)
*Nature +6 (Wis+0)
*Diplomacy +14 (Cha+6,FeyPactVisage+2)
*Streetwise +12 (Cha+6)

*Rod Expertise
*Superior Implement Training (Defiant Rod)
*Implement Focus (Rod)
*??? Devastating Critical / Sneak of Shadows[Multiclass Rogue] / Headsman's Chop
*Superior Will
*Great Fortitude
*Blood Thirst

:Melee Basic Attack (Moonfire Blade): +19 (+6Level,+6Cha,+2Prof.,+3Magic,+2Feat)
:Damage: 1d12+23 / +27[Bloodied] (+6Cha,+3Magic,+2Feat,+6FeyPactReward,+3DefiantRod,+2Item,+1Shard)

:Class Features and Powers:
*[Race]Fey Step
*[1st]Eldritch Bolt
*[1st]Fey Pact Reward
*[1st]Fey Pact Boon (Soul Step)
*[1st]Fey Pact Weapon (Sword of the White Well)
*[1st]Pact Weapon At-will (Moonfire Blade)
*[1st]Pact Weapon Encounter (Well of Light)
*[1st]Daily Power (Armor of Winter's Grasp)
*[2nd]Utility Power (Spider Scuttle)
*[3rd]Improved Pact Weapon (Well of Light => 2/Encounter)
*[4th]Lesser Planar Ally
*[5th]Daily Power (Emerald Shield)
*[6th]Utility Power (Iron Aspect of Dispater)
*[7th]Pact Weapon Retribution (Moonlit Escape)
*[9th]Summon Warlock's Ally (Mourning Handmaiden)
*[10th]Utility Power (Spined Devil's Boon)
*[11th]Sustaining Action (Fey)
*[11th]Pact Aspect Visage
*[11th]White Well Curse
*[12th]White Well Invocation

:Magic Items:
*Body: Veteran's Chainmail +3 [12th]
*Main hand: Pact Weapon
*Augment Dragonshard: Siberys Shard of Radiance (680gp)
*Off hand: Defiant Rod of the Feywild +3 [13th]
*Head: Circlet of Continuity [11th]
*Neck: Raven Cloak +2 <4200gp>
*Hands: Gauntlets of Blood <840gp>
*Arms: Iron Armband of Power <1800gp>
*Waist: Viper Belt <840gp>
*Feet: Boots of Adept Charging <520gp>

:Other Equipment: Adventurer's Kit, Holy Symbol, Basic Clothing, 70gp, Potion of Healing <50gp>
