
ネコの王 1 (サンデーGXコミックス)

ネコの王 1 (サンデーGXコミックス)

Build (2011/08/20)
Name 猫女神さま
Class(Level) Hybrid Invoker[Covenant of Malediction]/Cleric[Battle Cleric's Lore]-30
Paragon Path Messenger of Peace
Epic Destiny Avatar of Freedom
Race Eladrin(Female)
Subrace Sun Eladrin
Subrace Option Wizard Implement Proficiency
Alignment Good
Deity Avandra
Size Medium
Language Common, Elven
Background Dalelands
Character Theme Iliyanbruen Guardian
Initiative +25 (+15Level,+4Ability,+1Background,+5Item)
Speed 7 (+1Feat, ArmorSpecialization) [Swim Speed有][Difficulty Terrain無視]
Senses Low-light
Defenses(BASE10 +15Level)
•AC = 47 (+13Armor/+6Magic/+2Shield/+1ArmorSpecialization),
•Fort = 46 (+5Ability/+6Magic/+4Feat/+4Epic/+2Belt),
•Ref = 45 (+4Ability/+6Magic/+1Shield/+4Feat/+4Epic/+1Class),
•Will = 52 (+9Ability/+6Magic/+4Feat/+4Epic/+1Class/+1Race/+2EyeOfAwareness),
•Resistance Cold 15, Necrotic 15, Poison 15, Ongoing 9, Ranged 5, Area 5
•ST Bonus +5 [+2Feat, +3Item]
•+5 bonus to ST against charm effects.(Racial)
•■影響なし: Dominate, Immobilize, Slow, Restrain, Petrify
•■ST成功で影響なし: Push, Pull, Slide
HP Max = 147, Bloodied=73, Healing Surge=36 point Surge/day (11/day)
Racial Eladrin Education, Eladrin Weapon Proficiency, Fey Origin, Trance, Fey Step
Class Features
Vow of Nonviolence(11th) ダメージを与えない攻撃が命中したとき、次の手番開始まですべてのDefense +2 Bonus。
•Peacemaker's Action(11th) 攻撃のためにAction Pointを使ったとき、ダメージを与えない攻撃のAttack Rollsに+4 Bonus。このBonusは手番最後まで続く。
•Aura of Peace(16th) ほんわかオーラで、2マス以内の敵はAttack Rollsに-2 Penalty。
•Freedom of Mind and Body(21st) 身体も心も自由なのでDex+2, Wis+2.
•Liberate the Mind(21st) 隣接した仲間は次の状態異常のSTに+2 Bonusを得る。Dominate, Immobilize, Restrain, Slow.
•Liberating Revival(24th) その日最初の死から蘇生。HPはBloodied Value。10マス以内の仲間は次の状態が終了する。Immobilize, Slow, Restrain Effect.
•Agent of Freedom(30th) 次の状態にならない。Dominate, Immobilize, Slow, Restrain, Petrify. Difficulty Terrainを無視する。Move ActionでSpeed分Shiftすることができる。
Ability •Base Scores Str 12, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 08, Wis 18, Cha 10
•Scores Str 14, Con 20, Dex 18, Int 12, Wis 28, Cha 12
•Modifier Str +2, Con +5, Dex +4, Int +1, Wis +9, Cha +1
Ability Int, ○Dex or Cha
Ability Increase (4th)Wis,Con (8th)Wis,Con (14th)Wis,Con (18th)Wis,Con (24th)Wis,Con (28th)Wis,Con
Trained Skill (+15Level,+5Trained)
•Athletics +22 (Str)
•Diplomacy +21 (Cha)
•Endurance +25 (Con)
•Insight +29 (Wis)
Skill (+15Level)
•Acrobatics +19 (Dex)
•Arcana +18 (Int,+2racial)
•Bluff +16 (Cha)
•Dungeoneering +24 (Wis)
•Heal +24 (Wis)
History +20 (Int,+2racial,+2Theme)
•Intimidate +16 (Cha)
•Nature +24 (Wis,+2Theme) Reroll[Background]
•Perception +24 (Wis)
•Religion +16 (Int)
•Stealth +19 (Dex)
•Streetwise +16 (Cha)
•Thievery +19 (Dex)
•(1st) Hybrid Talent[Invoker Channel Divinity]
•(2nd) Path of Freedom
•(4th) Staff Expertise
•(6th) Superior Implement Training:Accurate Staff
•(8th) Resilient Focus
•(10th) Superior Fortitude
•(11th) Superior Reflex
•(12th) Superior Will
•(14th) Crushing Doom
•(16th) Armor Specialization[Scale]
•(18th) Invoked Devastation
•(20th) Invoker Implement Expertise
•(21st) Divine Mastery
•(22nd) Epic Fortitude
•(24th) Epic Reflexes
•(26th) Epic Will
•(28th) Fleet-Footed
•(30th) Shield Proficiency[Light]
Implement Rod, Staff, Holy Symbol, Wand, Orb
Power At-will 2/ Encounter 4/ Daily 4/ Utility 7
At-will Brand of the Moon(Cleric), Visions of Blood(Invoker)
Encounter Pacify(11), Sever the Source(17,Cleric), Word of Bewilderment(23,Invoker), Compel Action(27,Invoker)
Daily Silent Malediction(1,Invoker), Tree of Creation(15,Cleric), End of Strife(20), Word of the Gods(29,Invoker)
Utility Divine Aid[E](2,Cleric), Evasive Step[D](6,Theme), Feywild Will[D](10,Theme), Peacemaker's Pronouncement(12),
Insightful Riposte(16,Skill), Invoke Angelic Form(22,Invoker), Broken Chains(26)
Magic Items
•[30th] Ring: Nullifying Ring (Level 30)
•[30th] Main-hand: Accurate staff of the Traveler +6 (Level 30)
•[29th] Neck: Raven Cloak +6 (Level 29)

•[27th] Armor: Titanscale Armor of Resistance[Poison] +6 <1625000gp>
•[23rd] Head: Eye of Awareness <425000gp>
•[20th] Hands: Many-Fingered Gloves <125000gp>
•[18th] Feet: Planestrider Boots <85000gp>
•[18th] Waist: Belt of Vim <85000gp>
•[18th] Tattoo: Fleet Hero Tattoo <85000gp>
•[15th] Ring: Ring of Aquatic Ability <25000gp>
•[14th] Off-hand: White Orb of Dragonkind +3 <21000gp>
•[14th] Ring: Eladrin Ring of Passage <21000gp>
•[13th] LegendaryBoon?: The Fading One - Spirit Body <17000gp>
•[12th] Arms: Shield of Deflection Light Shield <13000gp>
•[12th] Stone of Spirit <13000gp>
•[12th] Exodus Knife <13000gp>
•[11th] Dice of Auspicious Fortune <9000gp>
•[10th] Zaarani's Solitaire <5000gp>
•[10th] Handy Haversack <5000gp>
•[9th] Symbol of Victory +2 <4200gp>
•[7th] GrandmasterTraining?: Davros Elden's Defensive Step <2600gp>
•[4th] Everlasting Provisions <840gp>
•[25th] Potion of Recovery <25000gp>
•[21st] Elixir of Flying <9000gp>
•[8th] Raise Dead Scroll <680gp>

Residuum: 10680gp
