Arms Slot Magic Item [23th以下]

・Barrage Bracers
melee attackが命中した敵に対して、次の手番最後まで+1 attack(ついに命中にBonusが!)

・Ranged Basic Attack
Bracers of the Perfect Shot (3rd, +2 item bonus) => (13th, +4 item bonus) => (23th, +6 item bonus)
・Melee Basic Attack
Bracers of Mighty Striking (2nd, +2 item bonus) => (12th, +4 item bonus) => (22th, +6 item bonus)
・Melee Damage
Iron Armbands of Power (6th, +2 item bonus) => (16th, +4 item bonus) => (26th, +6 item bonus)
・Bow or Crossbowの攻撃時のDamage
Bracers of Archery(6th, +2 item bonus, dailyアリ) => (16th, +4 item bonus, dailyアリ) => (26th, +6 item bonus, dailyアリ)
・Critical Hit
Executioner's Bracers (3rd, +1d6) => (13th, +2d6) => (23th, +3d6)

Counterstrike Guards (4th:daily) => (14th:Encounter)

Rhino Bracers (15th, [Encounter]Chargeにat-will melee attack power使える)
Rapidstrike Bracers (15th, [Encounter]Basic Attack時、1レベルのsingle-targetのat-will attack power使える/Initiative +2 item bonus)
Ankhmon's Bracers (19th, CAを与える敵にArcane Attack Powerを命中させたら +1d10 extra damage. 追加分の出目だけHP回復)

Winged Bracers (12th, 上昇できないがfly可能)
Crest of Vigilance (12th, [daily]dazeかstun時にimmediate interruptでST可能

Archer Rangerやるなら、Bracers of Archeryでよい気がする。